The verb être is an irregular verb in the present tense. Listen carefully to its forms in the present. Do you hear the liaison or linking in the pronunciation of the –s in the vous form? It is pronounced as a /z/ to link with the vowel ê in êtes.
Listen and read the conjugation of être in the present tense.
Je suis
I am
Tu es
You are
Il est / Elle est
He is / She is
On est
We are
Nous sommes
We are
Vous êtes
You are
Ils sont / Elles sont
They are (Ils = masculin they / Elle = feminine they)
C’est (plural Ce sont) is a common expression used to describe and introduce people or things. Être is also used as an auxiliary in compound tenses (passé composé of pronominal verbs, plus-que-parfait, etc.)
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